Sunday, November 4, 2007

hey, hey

so, i just have to say that i'm loving the new look for the blog. i want to give a shout out to jennisa who did a great job creating the look.

on another note, i just have to say that i'm not sure i should be typing a blog right now as i am still suffering from the after effects of benadryll. i had some crazy allergic reaction yesterday to my mineral makeup (long story and it makes no sense, absolutely no sense...but that's typical for things that happen to me ;) so i had to give in and take the benadryll. i don't do well with any sort of pain medicine or anything and while benadryll isn't pain medicine, it knocks me out cold. so, i'm feeling a tad loopy this morning but the good news is that by noon, it should be all out of my system and i should feel like normal. so, i'm going to sign off now and will write more when i'm a bit more coherent ;).

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