Tuesday, July 17, 2007

be near...

"but as for me, the nearness of God is my good; I have made the Lord GOD my refuge, that I may tell of all Your works." psalm 73:28

today at avalanche ranch, we talked about the fact that God is with us. i'm trying to be intentional as i think through the Bible points and Bible stories that we're teaching each day and asking the Lord to teach me and show me something new each day. i have to admit, sometimes some of these Truths about God become so ordinary and common place in my thinking that i miss how amazing they are. God, the God of the universe...almighty, holy God is with me. His nearness is my good...i don't walk through this life alone or with a God that watches from the sidelines. He is near and involved in my life. that, my friends, truly does make me want to shout, "WAH-HOO!!"

my prayer is that i will always stop and realize how amazing and incredible our God is...there is none like Him, no not one. :)

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