Thursday, June 14, 2007

"i know whom i have believed"

this statement from scripture, "i know whom i have believed" (2 timothy 1) has stuck with me over the last several days. there are several situations and things going on in my life and in the lives of some people around me that, to be honest, have caused me worry, concern, and to question. it's easy to say (and i've said it recently), "i don't understand all this but God has a plan and so i will trust in Him." when i've said it, i've meant it but at the same time, it's easy to wonder. i am thankful that at the times i've wondered what on earth is going on and what in the world could God be up to, i've heard a still small voice remind me of 2 timothy 1," ...i know whom i have believed...."

one of the amazing things about walking with God is that while in our humanness we want answers, explainations, to see the big picture, etc. we can walk in complete trust because our God is faithful and true. what do we know about this God we have believed? wow. i stopped and made a list in my journal of all the things i know to be true about God and it is amazing; He is amazing. i can say with confidence that i DO "know whom i have believed" and for me, that's all i need to know.

ps--does anyone remember the old hymn, "for i know whom i have believed...?" it was one of my favorite hymns growing up and it's been the song in my heart recently. i wonder why ;).

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