Friday, January 25, 2008

a long post about not a whole lot...

it's been one of those craaazy, non-stop weeks and i'm so glad it's friday!! today is my one day this week that is free...i'm not working at church and i'm not working for the publishing company today. i'd planned a "girl's day" on my calendar back in november with my amazing, wonderful friend, amy sweatt and then our equally amazing and wonderful friend tracey is going to hang with us tonight for dinner and a movie. i'm seriously excited about today because i soo need it. (as an aside, i also really wanted to sleep in a little because today was my only chance for the week but i woke up at 8 am...such sadness. now, i know for some of you out there who have children, 8 am IS sleeping in but i wanted to at least sleep until 8:30 or 9 ;).

so, last night was my very first bookstore preview for group publishing and for the very first preview, it went pretty well. without boring you out of your mind, a bookstore preview is an event that Christian bookstores pull together for the churches and customers in their community to come together, meet with a representative from various publishing companies and experience a presentation previewing each specific vbs curriculum. because group has 2 vbs curriculums, i have a blast rockin out 2 presentations (did you like my positive spin on that one ;). i really do enjoy these events because over the last 6 years i've built relationships with representatives from other publishing companies and it's neat to reconnect with them (because we only see each other during vbs preview season), but the events tend to run a little long and anytime there is technical difficulty, i always think my head is going to explode and last night did not disappoint ;). no worries, though, it was all okay in the end (isn't it always, though)!! if you're in the market for a vbs curriculum this year, give me a shout because not only do i know group's vbs programs inside and out, i just spent 3 hours last night listening to 5 other companies present theirs...i'll be happy to consult (for a small fee, of course...kidding, i'm kidding ;).

i would now like to apologize because i have read back through my post and i think it borders on the most boring thing ever sent out into the world wide web. i started typing without a topic and look where we have landed...again, my deepest apologies.

in my last attempt to spice up this post, i decided to put together a list of things i learned from the vbs preview extravaganza last night:
  • no matter how fabulous the accessories, a white lab coat will never, ever be a flattering look AND a wrinkled, just out of the package lab coat makes the look even worse. (group's easy vbs is powerlab and i had to wear a white lab coat as my "costume" to present...yes, we have to wear costumes.)
  • it's never good to try an activity for the first time in front of an audience...especially if you don't pay close attention to the directions and your balloon pops unexpectedly while you are trying to demonstrate what a great and successful vbs activity this will be for their kids. yikes. lesson learned.
  • any program that requires lots of oozy slime is gonna be a hit...even if the balloon popped.
  • it is always best to pack your own dvd and cd player...just in case the two from the church and the one from the bookstore don't work. i'm just's a good idea.
  • no matter your theme or curriculum you choose, the most important thing is that it's all about sharing Jesus with kids this summer and introducing them to the extravagant, amazing love of God because slime or no slime, THAT is what will change their life.

alright ya'll...have a most fabulous friday. i head back to asheville tomorrow morning for another round of previews but promise not to bore you with those details any more!

grace and peace,

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ThreeGirlyGirls said...

Girl you are a MESS!! I'm glad things went well for you and I hope they go well again tomorrow!

Have fun on your girl's night!!

Christy said...

I was so excited to see that you had posted on our blog, so of course I had to come check out yours. I'm so jealous. Yours is much cuter than others. Is blog envy a sin? And to answer your question...heck yeah you can play online. You should join one of our games. I'm serious. Lately we're playing nearly every night in lieu of anything good being on t.v. Just let me know if you're interested.