the wedding: it's going well. seriously, planning is moving right along and while i occasionally feel super overwhelmed when i still remember the list of things i have to do, for the most part, i think we are either ahead of the game or right on time with most everything. i'm trying hard to really enjoy this time and soak it all in but it really does feel like quite the whirlwind. this saturday kicks off the wedding shower extravaganza we have going on. we're having 7 showers and i am super excited and thankful for every one of them. basically, i just love being with people that i love and i can't wait to spend time with all the people that will attend the showers. i think, honestly, it is one of the neatest things ever to get to celebrate this time in our lives with our family and friends. joel and i are incredibly excited to get to walk through this journey right now. i'm thankful for the opportunities the Lord has given us to grow closer and learn more about each other through this engagement period. i have said it many times but i am constantly reminded of how blessed i am to have this man in my life and overwhelmed by the way the Lord has answered 28 yrs of prayers for a husband. praise Him...He is truly a God who is concerned about the details of our lives!
work: is going well...we are just moving right along. the new children's minister starts next week and i'm excited to work with him. i'm excited to see what the Lord does through him in our ministry.
so, that's a random little update. hope all is well in your world.
oohh...those of you who read the's a little interactive question for you (meaning: please leave me a comment). any ideas about wedding favors with a Christmas theme? i have some ideas but i haven't nailed it down, yet.

I know how to make Christmas ball ornaments with your picture in them (the picture is transparent so it can be seen on both sides of the ornament. If you're interested, send me an email and I'll tell you how it's done (
You can give out a cookie cutter with a favorite recipe on it. A girlfriend of mine did that at her wedding and it was awesome! (by the way we've met just not often. I've worked with ya a time or 2 in the HGBC kitchen and judy cox is a dear friend)
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