Friday, March 5, 2010

in the in-between

as i was thinking through this particular post i realized that most of my blog entires lately have been more on the serious side and while that's not a bad thing...sometimes you just want to read something funny and lighthearted. so, i promise to work on that for future entries.

but, for now, back to the more serious post...

(although, the potential for a funny blog entry just increased dramatically as i lay here and watch my husband try to re-attach the hotel curtains i pulled out of the ceiling. yes, it's a long story and i didn't intentionally mean to vandalize our hotel room...really. it just happened. i promise. btw--success! he was able to get them back into the wall. good times.)

lately i have just felt as though i'm floundering a bit in life and what i'm really supposed to be doing. i have to constantly remind myself that i'm exactly in the place the Lord has called me to be but it isn't easy. i've always had very clear direction for my life and have always even been able to map out the steps that i was supposed to take but not anymore. i almost feel like i'm in some sort of holding pattern (or perhaps just in a season of waiting...haven't i mentioned that before ;) and if i'm not careful and focused on the Lord and what i know to be true of Him and true of what He has been so gracious to reveal to us, it's easy to doubt myself in this period. i'll be honest, i would like a clear and direct plan to fall from heaven (complete with time frames, expectations, lots of details, and outlook calendar entires with appointment requests ;) but it seems as though that is not the Lord's plan.

my goal, though, is to not rely on my feelings (hello, can you spell d-i-s-a-s-t-e-r? ;) but to rely on the source of all Truth and to believe in His faithfulness to me and to my husband and to perhaps begin asking Him what He is teaching me during this time in the in-between.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

yeah, the whole time framed mapped out thing... would be SOO nice! UG! Waiting is so hard, but when the answers come it is very rewarding to know that we waited on Him and didn't follow our own ideas! I love you! :)